Parental Conduct
To ensure that children are safe and that the school is a civilised environment, below are few rules that we ask parents to follow. Thank you to the majority of parents who are already following these rules as it is an incredibly important message for your child and it allows you to be good role models.
Are you, or somebody you know, looking after somebody else's child?
- Are you looking after someone else’s child for longer than 28 days?
- Are you arranging for someone else to look after your child; who is not a relative?
- Do you know about a child being looked after by someone other than their parents or family?
If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the above then this could be a private fostering arrangement, and if so you MUST inform Hounslow Children Services.
Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) is cared for by someone who is not a close relative, guardian or someone with parental responsibility, for more than 28 days.
A close relative is defined as:
a step-parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle or aunt (Whether of full blood, half blood or marriage affinity).
This is made by a private arrangement between the parent and carer, without the involvement of the local authority.
Not notifying the local council or Hounslow’s Children’s services of the intention to privately foster a child at least 6 weeks in advance or no more than 48 hours after an emergency of such arrangements is an offence under the Children Act 2004.
We need to be aware of children who are being privately fostered to ensure that they are well cared for so we can provide additional support when needed.
For advice and support please call:
0208 583 3426
For more information; visit: London Borough of Hounslow - Private Fostering