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Home > About Us > Governors


List of Governors

Position Name Term From: Term To: Roles
Co-opted Governor Maeve Begley 28.09.2022 27.09.2026 Chair, Child Protection, Looked After Children
Co-opted Governor Anthony Ransom 06.12.2022 05.12.2026 SEND, Data Protection
Head Teacher Joanne Lacey - - Head Teacher
Associate Member Rochelle Menezes - - Deputy Headteacher
Associate Member Tessa Reed - - Deputy Headteacher
Associate Member Julie Spikings - - Deputy Headteacher
Co-opted Governor Garvin Snell 28.03.2023 27.03.2027 Health and Safety, KS2
Staff Governor Natalie Barnes 18.10.2023 19.10.2027 -
Co-opted Governor Catherine Bridger 28.09.2022 27.09.2026 -
Co-opted Governor Jennie Tweedy 18.10.2023 17.10.2027 Early Years, Deputy Child Protection
Co-opted Governor Kirsty Simkin 21.05.2024 21.05.2028 -
Co-opted Governor Debra Kane 09.02.2022 08.02.2026 Vice Chair
Co-opted Governor James Pegg 06.12.2022 05.12.2026 Wellbeing and Mental Health
Local Authority Governor (Hounslow) Clare Wood


12.05.2025 -
Parent Governor Jasprit Jandu 07.02.2024 06.02.2028 KS1
Other Chris Hartley - - Clerk  


Governors that served within the last 12 months

Position Name Term From: Term To: Roles
Role: Appointed by:
Associate Member Local Authority 
Parent Governor Parents
Staff Governor Staff members
Co-opted Governor Invited by board

To contact any of our school governors, please email office@southville.hounslow.sch.uk and mark it for the attention of your selected governor, alternatively you may prefer to send a letter which should be sent to the main school reception - all correspondence will be forwarded on.


Parent Governor Applications

We are recruiting for a new Parent Governor for our school. Governors play an important role in providing school leaders with support and challenge.

We are particularly keen to appoint Governors with a knowledge and experience of: Teaching and learning, Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Finance, HR.

Commitment: The minimum commitment is three meetings per term (9 a year) which are currently held between 5-7pm on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening (depending on the availability of the majority). Some are virtual and some are in person at the school. Governors will need to read papers sent out prior to the meeting. In addition, Governors are also encouraged to visit the school during working hours to carry out various tasks alongside senior leaders.

How to apply: Parents who are interested in this role are encouraged to come into the office to collect a nomination form (you can nominate yourself but will need another parent to second your nomination). The forms are also on our website, along with criteria that would prevent someone from being eligible for being a Governor.

Forms need to be handed to the school office by Wednesday 9th October. In the event of us having more than one nomination, there will be an election. This is a really important role in which you can both be involved in the life of the school and also make a difference. We look forward to hearing from those of you who are interested.

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