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Our SENCO's are:
Miss T. Reed - Early Years and KS1
Mrs J. Spikings - KS2

Any children that recieve additional support in school will meet with their designated SENCO once an academic term to ensure that there is clear communication between parents and staff. This meeting will also include their class teacher.

I think my child needs additional support at school - what should I do?

There are a few avenues that can be taken if you are concerned or think that your child needs additional support:

  • Speak to your child's class teacher
  • Contact the school Wellfare Officers (through school office) if it is a medical need.
  • Concerns and questions can also be raised with the Inclusion team, Deputies or Head teacher by either telephone or in person via the school office.


Further information regarding our work for SEN and disabled children can be found in our local offer and inclusion policy.

You can send us an email for all enquiries at send@southville.hounslow.sch.uk

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