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Curriculum Statement

At Southville, we are developing a curriculum which supports and underpins our school motto, vision and mission:

Learning today for the world of tomorrow.

Our vision is of a school where children aspire, succeed and flourish, while laying foundations for the best possible pathway to their future.


In order to realise our vision, it is our mission to:

  • Strive for excellent achievement for all. We will deliver an engaging curriculum through high quality teaching that is inspiring, responsive and skillful.
  • Ensure that all children are supported to overcome wider barriers to learning. All staff are committed to this.
  • Provide a calm, safe environment where all children are nurtured, cared for and valued.
  • Promote a school ethos which is underpinned by our core values of resilience, respect, integrity, responsibility, happiness and compassion – in order to support the development of the whole child and to prepare them for a rapidly changing world.  Staff will actively model these values.
  • Provide a wealth of opportunities and experiences so that children can have fun, embrace childhood and create lifelong memories.
  • Work in partnership with parents. We will endeavour to provide high quality communication, information, guidance and support.


As a new Primary School, we are currently working to ensure structure, consistency and progression from Nursery through to Year 6 in the teaching of basic skills and across the wider curriculum.

The Senior Leadership Team spent the first term of our newly amalgamated school observing and monitoring teaching and learning about the Key Stages new to us. It became very clear within a short space of time that there were many inconsistencies in terms of curriculum planning and delivery.

We also reflected on the types of learners that we have in our school. Many of them have very limited experiences, other than those acquired at school. Many of them come from homes where literacy is not valued, books are not read, and models of spoken English are poor (for various reasons).

Our motto – ‘’Learning today for the world of tomorrow has significantly influenced decisions we have made regarding the curriculum.  We are aware that we need to assist children to become resilient, curious, and able to make links and connections across their learning, if we are to successfully prepare them for a rapidly changing world.

We believe that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skill. We strive for children to learn skills alongside knowledge, ensuring that both explicitly are developed. At Southville we offer an education rich in knowledge, culture and vocabulary, with reading at its heart, and high expectations in the core subjects of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We create a nurturing environment that invests much in social and emotional capital, enabling all to thrive. Our aim is to achieve real equity and equality of opportunity for ALL pupils, thus equipping our children with a deep body of knowledge built up over time embellished by culturally rich experiences, which are memorable, engaging, challenging and accessible to all.

If you require further information regarding the curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher, the Team Leaders for the year group or a member of the School Leadership Team. You can do this by requesting the information in person, by telephone, via the main school email address or email directly to our child’s year group. Details of your child’s year group email can be found below:

Year Groups Email Address
Nursery nursery@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Reception reception@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Year 1 year1@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Year 2 year2@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Year 3 year3@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Year 4 year4@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Year 5 year5@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
Year 6 year6@southville.hounslow.sch.uk
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