Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education (RE) is the exploration of the traditions, beliefs, values and practices of the different faiths practiced within our community.
Tolerant, Inquisitive and Accepting
Southville Primary School reflects the diversity of our local community in Hounslow, and as a result our children come from a wide range of cultural and religious background. We aspire to create a tolerant, inquisitive and accepting community where everyone is respected.
Dynamic, Interactive and Vibrant
To ensure that students remain engaged, the curriculum includes trips to local places of worship, talks from faith leaders from the local community, demonstrations of religious practice and sharing real-life experiences among classmates.
Widening Horizons
Southville Primary School's curriculum is planned using the Widening Horizons guidelines, and has been mapped out to ensure that coverage of the six major faiths in the UK (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism) is comprehensive and well-informed.
Exploration and Understanding
Throughout their time at Southville, pupils will be able to respectfully explore and understand a range of religious faiths, looking into:
- Values and core beliefs
- Traditional stories and tales
- Key figures; rites of passage
- Holy books
- Buildings of worship
- Festivals and holy days
- Symbolism and objects
- Community and social action.
Want to know more?
If you're interested in further information about Southville's RE provisions, our full curriculum statement is below with further details.