Annual Flu Vaccination
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is due in September
This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu and this year is being offered to all children of primary and secondary school age. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu. With COVID-19 in circulation it is more important than ever to reduce the number of those becoming ill with flu this winter to help protect them and the NHS.
Step-by-step vaccine registration:
Go to:
You will be instructed to confirm your email address and put in the school code.
Input code: CL145475
Click find school. Confirm that it says Southville Primary School.
Click next.
Fill in your child's details. Click next.
Confirm your consent, full name and your relationship to the child.
Click Submit.